I’m happy to present "Padri / Figli" (PPP Fathers / PPP Sons), a diptych by the Dutch duo, Exactitudes (Ari Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek) realized in collaboration with Farani Sartoria Teatrale in Rome, who provided original costumes from Pasolini's films and pieces from that era.
The two photographic grids present, side by side, a reinterpretation of a variety of characters and extras from Pasolini's cinematographic works: fathers and sons—reflecting on the role of bodies and garments in these two generational groups, which Pasolini always considered antagonistic.
These two works published on the cover of DUST Magazine are created for the exhibition 'Investigating the Body of Pier Paolo Pasolini' (Palazzo Delle Esposizioni 17.10.2022 – 20.01.2023), curated by Clara Tosi Pamphili, Giuseppe Garrera and Cesare Pietroiusti; opening in Rome in October 2022 during 'Everything is Holy', a series of events that celebrate Pasolini's Centenary.
EPITOME - Pier Paolo Pasolini Centenary special
First Cover - PPP Figli
Second Cover - PPP Padri
Photography @exactitudes@ari_versluis@ellieuyttenbroek
Art Direction #DustMagazine
Costumes #FaraniSartoriaTeatrale
Hair @tasoshair
Casting and Production #ClaudioLaMattina
Assistants #MartinaQuitadamo#AngelicaVenturini
Thanks @claratosipamphili@alessiodenavasques@fabiocherstich
The last 3 images are excerpts of “PASOLINI KNEW” a conversation between @michelefossi and the film maker #paolofioreangelini regarding new evidences on Pasolini’s death.