“As the carnage in Ethiopia worsened, and reports about it mounted, Our friends attempted, to find ways to stop it or, at least, to reduce its magnitude. The realization of Italy's determination to wipe out Ethiopians completely as a race, prompted offers of negotiation from several quarters.
Even before the Italians had occupied Gore, the first from the Abyssinia Association through Professor Stanley Jevons, who offered his suggestion... to put Western Ethiopia under a mandate of the League of Nations.... The notion was based on the idea of a man named Professor Gilbert Murray, who approached the Abyssinia Association and proposed that the best way to discuss the question of Ethiopia's freedom [would be to obtain] the acquiescence of the emperor to the administration of the country as a mandate.
Italy on her part offered the following proposal. To the north, all of Tigray was to be ceded to Italy, Axum and Aseb to be left to Us; in the east, We were to be given Harer, ceding the surrounding borderland to the British and French In the south, Bale, Arsi and all the lands between Lake Zwai and Lake Marghereta [Lake Abaya] and all the territories in the west were to be handed over to Italy, while the rest of the country was to be confirmed for Us. The sovereignty over all territories was to be given to Us, but We were to employ administrators and advisors from Italy. Italy tried to tempt Us with this arrangement in exchange for several million lire but... was unsuccessful.” The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I - Volume 2 #haileselassie#rastafari#ethiopia#ethiopian#africa#leagueofnations#diplomacy#struggle#sovereignty#freedom#independence#liberty#equality#justice#humanrights#kingofkings#lordoflords#lionofjudah#electofgod#lightoftheworld#princeofpeace#morality#dignity#shiloh#judah#selah#ethiopians#worldpeace#unification#mercy