Daily Oracle Reading 7/18/22
✨Inner Voice✨
Persistent words and feelings that represent your greatest desires are dropping into your mind. Instead of putting life off until you do or be something in the future, bring your desires into the present. Anytime we feel like we have gone off track, we have travelled a different road to our soul, and everything becomes a signpost to return us to our centre where we can tune in to our wise transmissions. Just as the voice on a GPS Navigator tells you which way to go, your soul wisdom is always leading you toward your destination. Neither will scold you or become impatient if you take the wrong route. They will just adjust, find an alternate route and give you new directions. You can't get it wrong. Listen to recurring words and ideas, pay attention to how they feel and drive forward with the ones that make your face and heart smile.
Inspired Reflections and Actions
• Do you have goals and focus your attention, or do you drift aimlessly through your days hoping for something better to arrive?
• When you notice negative self-speak in your mind, say peace, love or calm. It may seem a bit weird, but this will snap your mind from negativity to other possibilities.
• Choose a crystal and make it your companion on your journey. Ask it where it would like to go and what it would like to do. It is with you for a reason.
(The Secret Language of Light by Denise Jarvie)