Class started two hours ago, oh am I late?
Grad photo dump, (self-portraits and fam)
Couldn’t be more grateful for life atm, and that’s as much as I can say. Thanks everyone for the well wishes :) love you all. Signing off for now.
(Favorite lyrics from Kendrick’s new album:
“This time around, I trust myself. Please everybody but myself. All else fails, I was myself. This year you better want yourself.”
“I care too much, wanna share too much, in my head too much I shut down too, I ain’t there too much. I’m a complex soul they layered me up”
“I wanna see the family stronger, I wanna see the money longer. You know that I’d die for you. I get emotional about life!”
And most importantly
“Capitalists posing as compassionates be offending me. Suck my dick with authenticity”)
Stay real 🫡🍄🎍🍾💕🌎🗞😤🥾