A population of mobula rays spend the summer months in Azorean waters. They aggregate around offshore seamounts, the site where they can be found in large numbers is Princess Alice bank 45 miles offshore Faial island. For several years
a team of scientists is studying them using non invasive tagging. The tags carry multiple sensors monitoring depth, temperature,
acceleration, salinity and other parameters. The latests tags even has a camera. The tags have to be placed using freediving,
so all the scientists involved in the project are freedivers. The tags stays on the animal a few days then float back to the surface
and are retrieved thanks to a satellite and radio beacon. After data download they are re-deplyoed on mobula.
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freedivingphotography #acores#azores#faial#nikon#nikonz#nikonambassador#maresjustaddwater#ulyssenardin