Share this in your story or grid and add the country on which you live, work and create on.
Do you know what land you live on? Tell me in the comments. I don’t mean so called Australia. Can you identify the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander country, language group or community who are the traditional owners where you live? You should always acknowledge the land on which you live, work and create on.
Always Was, Always Will Be. A reminder that the lands we live and work on have always belonged to the Aboriginal people of Australia.
Indigenous culture is not homogenous; there were once over 500 different language groups across Australia, so acknowledging the true owners of the country you're on is the most basic sign of respect.
How can you find out?
⭐️Google is 100% free! There’s also online resources that will help such as IATSIS Indigenous map of Australia, 50 Words interactive map, Gambay by First Languages Australia and even your local council website.
ID: Aboriginal artwork created by Bobbi Lockyer, with pinks, greens and yellow Aboriginal symbols. The words read “I am living on ____ country” and viewers are encouraged to use the graphic inserting the Aboriginal land they live on.