NGC 6960 aka The Witch’s Broom Nebula is the western segment of the Great Cygnus Loop, the remnants of a supernova explosion estimated to have occurred 5,000 to 8,000 years ago. There are few directly visible supernova remnants but the Veil is one of the finest.
Notice the difference? For me you can’t really tell unless you really look at it and are really familiar with the DSO. Yes I flipped the color pallette HOO to OHH. 😅 I think it still looks pretty good! Not a drastic change considering there are only 2 colors seen in it. Anyways, it’s nice to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. 👍✨😊
Imaged with 5 minute subs per narrowband filter and processed in OHH.
Total Integration: 4 hours
H - 24 x 300 sec
O - 24 x 300 sec
Bortle 6 Backyard
Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro
Explore Scientific ED127 Triplet
ZWO ASI1600mm cool
ZWO 30mm guidescope
ZWO ASI120mm-s guidecam
Orion 0.8x reducer flattener
Chroma 3nm Narrowband Filters