All good things start with a HAIRCUT! If your hair is not styling properly, you need a cut. If it’s lifeless and not contouring your face, lifting and adding value to your look…ITS TIME FOR A CUT ✂️❤️🔥
Prior to color, prior to extensions, the most important part is the cut. It’s the building block of beautiful hair. A colorist can give you the most stunning color, but if the cut is wrong the color won’t be expressed to it’s full capacity. Same with extensions, a perfect application can be ruined without an artful cut.
HAIR is your front facing accessory, invest in what you see the most! There’s no treatment that can do what a trim can do for the health of the hair. ❤️
Investing in your styling tools is so important.
I finish every cut with #bioprogramming devices from @beautytechdistribution once you use them there is no going back! The more you use them the more healthy and beautiful your hair will become. Gone are the days of having guilt around styling yourself hair 🤯